NPQSL Formative assessment task: Supporting the school’s culture through effective modelling and dialogue
The following includes my personal examples of: creating a culture of mutual trust and respect (1.7), building alignment around the school's culture and ethos (1.8) and articulating, modelling, and rehearsing practices that contribute to the school's culture (1.e) and prioritising the use of intentional and consistent language that promotes challenge, aspiration, and high expectations for students and colleagues (1.f).
I have consistently demonstrated a strong: work ethic, positive attitude, and a commitment to student success. In departmental meetings I actively participated in discussions, sharing my personal experiences with managing challenging Year 7 classes; I also opened a dialogue with colleagues from different departments leading to discussion where we shared strategies and best practices for improving student engagement. I have staff that are trying the same approach to getting the year 7 groups’ attention using musical instruments. By sharing my own challenges, I created a safe space for others; this collective approach has led to a more collaborative work environment.
I have consistently applied the school's behaviour policy using a combination of positive reinforcement and clear consequences. I have strictly adhered to the policy on device usage in the classroom. When a student exhibits disruptive behaviour, I address the issue calmly explaining the specific expectations and the consequences of not meeting them. This has helped to minimise distractions and maximise engagement.
I have also prioritised building strong relationships with students and parents. By actively listening to their concerns, offering support, and celebrating their achievements, I have helped create a supportive school culture. For example, a parent expressed concerns about their child's recent exam performance. I took time to listen carefully and offer solutions. This proactive approach demonstrated my commitment to student success and strengthened the parent-teacher relationship.
I have worked to create a school culture where students feel valued and supported. By modelling positive behaviour, such as active listening, empathy and problem-solving, I have encouraged students to develop these skills themselves. During a recent group activity, I observed a mixed group of EAL, SEN and G+T students working collaboratively, celebrating each other's successes.
By consistently modelling appropriate attire and reinforcing positive behaviours, I have created a subtle yet effective system of nonverbal communication. Students are attuned to these cues and take the initiative to pro-actively adjust their appearance. This demonstrates a heightened sense of awareness and a willingness to adhere to school expectations. By acknowledging and praising their efforts, I further reinforce positive behaviour and create a culture of mutual respect.
By consistently reinforcing positive behaviours and addressing negative behaviours promptly, I have established clear expectations and a sense of order in the school. This has created a positive learning environment where students can focus on their studies.
Having completed the intentional questioning practice activity that relates to (1.f), I have gained valuable insights into the role of a senior leader in developing professional growth. By formulating questions such as: how have you used data to inform your instructional decisions? how have you created a positive and collaborative team culture? can encourage middle leaders to reflect on their practice and identify areas for improvement.
As an aspiring senior leader, this use of intentional questioning supports the professional development of the team. I have learned by asking thought-provoking and open-ended questions, I can facilitate meaningful conversations and encourage critical thinking. I aim to put into practice what I have learned from this activity focusing on my aquaponics team and model effective questioning techniques and record the impact of this approach.