Accredited by England's Department for Education (DfE), Best Practice Network is the leading provider of National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) on a global scale.
Our qualifications have gained significant traction across international school communities, where leaders and educators worldwide are embracing these professional standards as both a pathway for school improvement and a marker of quality for their teams.
As an international, school-led partnership, Best Practice Network offers a unique global perspective, having recently received an ‘exceptional’ rating from the DfE Quality Assurance Agent.
This ensures that wherever you are in the world, you will receive a qualification grounded in excellence and recognised internationally.
Effective professional development is built on a partnership of leaders, teachers and providers.
Working closely with schools worldwide, our programmes are designed using the expertise and latest theories of leading practitioners, who also contribute to delivering these programmes.
Our partnerships are designed to benefit the entire education system: in addition to fostering a new generation of highly skilled professionals, they bring significant advantages to the schools involved. Leaders engaged in programme development and facilitation report that the experience enhances their professional expertise and knowledge - ultimately making them more effective leaders.
Supporting the education community to create well-run and efficient schools where all children and young people can succeed.
Our members, partners, customers and staff are all valued and respected as we aim to meet each of their needs.
We commit to leading the way in effective school management, delivering through agility, innovation and continuous improvement.
We work closely with our partners, members and customers, helping them meet their education and management objectives.